ProFutbol > Competitions > Premier League > 1996/97

Premier League 1996/97

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Most expensive transfers TO the league in season 1996/97
 Player (age)From clubTo clubDate Fee
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1 ENGA. Shearer (25)Blackburn Newcastle1996, Jul18 260 000[1]
2 ITAF. Ravanelli (27)Juventus Middlesbrough1996, Jul9 780 000
3 ENGN. Barmby (22)Middlesbrough Everton1997, Jan8 000 000
4 COLF. Asprilla (26)Parma Newcastle1996, Jul7 600 000
5 ENGL. Sharpe (25)Man United Leeds1996, Aug6 750 000
Most expensive transfers FROM the league in season 1996/97
 Player (age)From clubTo clubDate Fee
Show/hide all additional infoFees in euro (EUR)
1 ENGA. Shearer (25)Blackburn Newcastle1996, Jul18 260 000[2]
2 RUSA. Kanchelskis (28)Everton Fiorentina1997, Jan8 000 000
3 ENGN. Barmby (22)Middlesbrough Everton1997, Jan8 000 000
4 SRBD. Kovacevic (22)Sheffield Wednesday Sociedad1996, Jul8 000 000
5 ENGL. Sharpe (25)Man United Leeds1996, Aug6 750 000


Highest known salaries in the league in season 1996/97
 PlayerClubContract fromContract to Salary
per year
Show/hide all additional infoFees in euro (EUR)
1 ENGC. SuttonBlackburn1994, Jul1999, Jun650 000[3]


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